עברית עם קופי

by HIT Apps



Free version of Hebrew game with Kofi.Learning to read and write in Hebrew.Includes dozens of words at various stages of development and levels.Suitable for preschoolers, children attending first-grade preparatory school, and second-graders.Knowledge of letters A to BThe child must drag the letters from the shelf toward the board in the appropriate position.To report problems, requests or questions:[email protected] 1: Syllables with opening and skimming onlyStep 2: Add syllables with axial and purple gritStep 3: The addition of dreaming and whistling syllablesThe game has three levels of difficulty -Easy: The letters on the board are colored semi-transparent (suitable for preschoolers - preschoolers)Medium: The letters on the board are hiddenDifficult: another letter that does not belong to the word (only available in full version)